Rocket Job Web Interface

The Rocket Job Web Interface is used for managing and monitoring Rocket Job.

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Rocket Job Web Interface first opens with the list of running jobs in the system, listed in reverse chronological order. I.e. With the newest job at the top.

Each job entry in the list includes:


Managing Jobs

Select a job in Rocket Job Web Interface to see more details about the status of that job:

Screen shot

Based on the state of the job, the relevant actions will appear:

For example for a failed job:

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Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled jobs are jobs scheduled to be run in the future and include jobs that repeat such as Cron Jobs.

To run a job immediately instead of waiting until its next scheduled time, select the Run button.

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Queued Jobs

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Running Jobs

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Completed Jobs

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Paused Jobs

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Failed Jobs

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Aborted Jobs

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Job Activity by Worker

To see what each worker is currently busy with select the Activity menu option:

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Managing Workers

To manage workers, select the Workers menu option:

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Each worker can be managed individually, or to pause all current work, select Pause All.

The workers can be resumed later by selecting Resume All.

To shutdown all workers via Rocket Job Web Interface, click on Actions and select Stop All.