Rocket Job Events
Rocket Job uses events internally to manage running servers.
For example, when pausing, stopping, etc. servers via the Rocket Job Web Interface, it publishes an event that servers are configured to respond to.
Since events happen immediately (< 100 ms) across all Rocket Job Servers, this makes server management far more responsive.
Events can be published from a Rails Console in the same rails environment as the running Rocket Job servers, or can be published from a web application that is part of the same application.
Standard Events
Server Management
Stop all running Rocket Job servers:
Pause all running Rocket Job servers:
Resume all paused Rocket Job servers:
Hard kill all active Rocket Job servers immediately without waiting for active jobs or slices to complete.
Write the thread backtrace for all worker threads running on all servers to its log file.
Thread backtraces are useful for researching why jobs or slices are “stuck” or “hanging”.
Instead of sending an event for all servers to process, the server id can be used to specify which server to execute the event on.
For example, to stop a specific server, lookup its id
using its host name, then publish the event with that id:
server = RocketJob::Server.where(name: "myhost").first
RocketJob::Subscribers::Server.publish(:stop, server_id:
The server_id
can be applied to all of the above server events.
Worker Management
Individual workers on Rocket Job servers can be managed separately.
To manage a specific worker, lookup the id
of the server it is running on. Then in combination with its worker
number it can be managed.
For example, stop worker 1
on the Rocket Job server with host name: myhost
server = RocketJob::Server.where(name: "myhost").first
RocketJob::Subscribers::Worker.publish(:stop, worker_id: 1, server_id:
Similarly, the worker can be killed, when it is hanging:
RocketJob::Subscribers::Worker.publish(:kill, worker_id: 1, server_id:
Similarly, the worker’s backtrace can be written to its log file:
RocketJob::Subscribers::Worker.publish(:thread_dump, worker_id: 1, server_id:
Semantic Logger
The log level of a running application can be modified at runtime without restarting any code by using the Semantic Logger change log level event.
Change the global log level to debug
on all servers.
RocketJob::Subscribers::Logger.publish(:set, level: :debug)
Change the global log level to info
on all servers.
RocketJob::Subscribers::Logger.publish(:set, level: :info)
Change the log level to debug
for all process on a specific host:
RocketJob::Subscribers::Logger.publish(:set, level: :debug, host_name: "")
Change the log level to debug
for a specific process id:
RocketJob::Subscribers::Logger.publish(:set, level: :debug, host_name: "", pid: 34567)
Change the log level for a specific class across all servers.
RocketJob::Subscribers::Logger.publish(:set, level: :debug, class_name: "RocketJob::Supervisor")
When workers are stuck / hanging, it is useful to get them to dump their backtrace to the log file.
Dump the thread backtrace for every thread, on a particular host to the log file:
RocketJob::Subscribers::Logger.publish(:thread_dump, host_name: 'f98558c72ef7')
Secret Config
When running Rocket Job inside a docker container it is also recommended to run Secret Config to manage all settings and application credentials. Rocket Job has built-in support for the following Secret Config events:
Refresh Secret Config settings across all Rocket Job servers:
When running Secret Config, it can also be used to configure Rocket Job itself.
For example, add the following lines to config/application.rb
# Limit this server to only those job classes that match this regular expression (case-insensitive).
# Example: "DirmonJob|WeeklyReportJob"
if config.secret_config.key?("rocket_job/include_filter")
config.rocket_job.include_filter ="rocket_job/include_filter"), true)
# Prevent this server from working on any job classes that match this regular expression (case-insensitive).
# Example: "DirmonJob|WeeklyReportJob"
if config.secret_config.key?("rocket_job/exclude_filter")
config.rocket_job.exclude_filter ="rocket_job/exclude_filter"), true)
# Limit this server instance to the supplied mongo query filter. Supply as a string in JSON format.
# Example: '{\"priority\":{\"$lte\":25}}'"
config.rocket_job.where_filter = config.secret_config.fetch("rocket_job/where_filter", type: :json, default: nil)
config.rocket_job.max_workers = config.secret_config.fetch("rocket_job/max_workers", type: :integer, default: 10)
config.rocket_job.heartbeat_seconds = config.secret_config.fetch("rocket_job/heartbeat_seconds", type: :float, default: 15.0)
config.rocket_job.max_poll_seconds = config.secret_config.fetch("rocket_job/max_poll_seconds", type: :float, default: 5.0)
config.rocket_job.re_check_seconds = config.secret_config.fetch("rocket_job/re_check_seconds", type: :float, default: 60.0)
Subscribing to events
All Rocket Job servers automatically subscribe to these events on startup. To subscribe to these events from a Rails
application in the same environment, for example a Rails web application, or a Rails console,
add the following to config/initializers/rocket_job.rb
unless RocketJob.server?
# Subscribe to logging events so that log levels can be changed in this process
# Subscribe to Secret Config events
RocketJob::Subscribers::SecretConfig.subscribe if defined?(SecretConfig)
# Start the Rocket Job Event listener thread { RocketJob::Event.listener }
User defined Events
User defined events can be used to send events to all of the servers to perform a custom action.
class ExampleSubscriber
include RocketJob::Subscriber
def example
logger.measure_info "Running example event" do
puts "Put some custom code here, for example to clear out connection pools, etc..."
def example2(name:, port:)
logger.measure_info "Running example2 event" do
puts "Example2 name: #{name}, port: #{port}"
To register the example subscriber, add the following to an initializer, for example config/initializers/rocket_job.rb
From a Rails console, or from within a Rails web application, to invoke the above event on all servers:
For example when the event can take arguments
ExampleSubscriber.publish(:example2, name: "Jack", port: 123)