Rocket Job Programmers Guide - Advanced Topics

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Rocket Job uses a thread per worker. Benefits of this approach:

Each worker is completely independent of each other so that it can run as fast as is possible with Ruby.

Concurrency Notes:


RocketJob uses MongoDB to do “in-place” processing of a job. A job is only created once and stored entirely as a single document in MongoDB. MongoDB is highly concurrent, allowing all CPU’s to be used if needed to scale out workers. MongoDB is not only memory resident for performance, it can also write older data to disk, or when there is not enough physical memory to hold all of the data.

This means that all information relating to a job is held in one document:

The status of any job is immediately visible in the Rocket Job Mission Control web interface, without having to update some other data store since the job only lives in one place.

The single document approach for the job is possible due to a very efficient modify-in-place feature in MongoDB called find_and_modify that allows jobs to be efficiently assigned to any one of hundreds of available workers without the locking issues that befall relational databases.


If a worker process crashes while processing a job, the job remains in the queue and is never lost. When the worker instance is destroyed / cleaned up its running jobs are re-queued and will be processed by another worker.


As workload increases greater throughput can be achieved by adding more servers. Each server adds more CPU, Memory and local disk to process more jobs.

Rocket Job scales linearly, meaning doubling the worker servers should double throughput. Bottlenecks tend to be databases, networks, or external suppliers that are called during job processing.

Additional database slaves can be added to scale for example, MySQL, and/or Postgres. Then configuring the job workers to read from the slaves helps distribute the load. Use ActiveRecord Slave to efficiently redirect ActiveRecord MySQL reads to multiple slave servers.


Custom behavior can be mixed into a job.

For example create a mix-in that uses a validation to ensure that only one instance of a job is running at a time:

require 'active_support/concern'

module RocketJob
  module Concerns
    # Prevent more than one instance of this job class from running at a time
    module Singleton
      extend ActiveSupport::Concern

      included do
        validates_each :state do |record, attr, value|
          if where(state: [:running, :queued], _id: {'$ne' =>}).exists?
            record.errors.add(attr, 'Another instance of this job is already queued or running')


Now include the above mix-in into a job:

class MyJob < RocketJob::Job
  # Create a singleton job so that only one instance is ever queued or running at a time
  include RocketJob::Concerns::Singleton

  def perform
    # process data

Queue the job, supplying the file_name that was declared and used in FileJob:

MyJob.create!(file_name: 'abc.csv')

Trying to queue the job a second time will result in:

MyJob.create!(file_name: 'abc.csv')
# => MongoMapper::DocumentNotValid: Validation failed: State Another instance of this job is already queued or running